5 Factors That Affect The Value Of Land

Many factors affect land value, and critically understand how they work before buying your property. Knowing what to look for in a piece of land is almost more essential than the price you pay.

1. Proximity to Public Transportation

When considering the value of your land, you should also consider proximity to public transportation. Public transportation is a vital part of any city. 

Having public transportation available may also increase the value of your land if it’s located near a transit stop or station. This is because buyers are interested in properties that offer easy access to public transit stops and stations when they need to travel around town or commute to work every day!

2. Proximity to Restaurants and Other Local Businesses

When you’re looking at purchasing land, where do you look for the value? Many things affect the value of any given piece of land. The number of restaurants and local businesses nearby is essential. Do they attract tourists, or are they local only? How close together are they, and how far away from your property?

3. Zoning

Zoning is an important consideration when valuing land. Zoning laws dictate what structures can be built on a piece … Read more