Five Business Development Tips

While business development has come to mean different things to different companies, the core principles behind creating long-term value are universally applicable. Whether you’re a salesperson, relationship manager, marketing executive or an engineer, if you work in biz dev, you understand the importance of top-line growth. Getting there, however, can be more challenging.

With that in mind, I recently surveyed extremely successful executives at both large public companies and privately-held businesses to uncover practical, impactful tips for business development professionals.

Build Relationships Early In Your Career

“Looking back, I would have focused on developing relationships and expanding my personal networks, both within the organization and outside of it, much earlier in my career,” Beth Brooke-Marciniak, global vice chair of public policy at Ernst & Young, told me, “Women in business can often find themselves excluded from so many natural networks, so it’s important to make a conscious effort to build these relationships early, in addition to doing your job well.”

Take advantage of opportunities to network within your organization and proactively pursue avenues to meet people outside of your company. Attend events connected to your industry, interests, or alma mater, and do not hesitate to introduce yourself. People like working … Read more