The Questions of Plant Relocation
To begin with, the problems in a plan relocation are numerous and significant, and experts cannot emphasize enough the importance of detailed planning. Everything from inventory problems to unused machinery must be addressed with the goal of a smooth transition to the new plant in order to avoid a loss of productivity or profitability during downtime.
Common Problems
While every plant move is unique, it’s the areas where common problems arise that provide a place to start when addressing plant relocation problems. If past experiences are any indication, the move will disrupt your inventory process, raise many logistical problems, involve the design of your new plant, create a need to assess your current machinery, produce a stretch of plant downtime, raise feasibility concerns, equipment installations, and even might affect issues that threaten your company’s reputation. The use of expert help can actually solve many of these concerns.
Bringing in outsiders threatens to create a situation where your machinery is not well treated. What timetable will a contractor concern themselves with? Downtime will cost you plenty if you don’t get communications on a level you’re comfortable with. Does the contractor use state-of-the-art equipment? What’s their safety record? Do they understand … Read more