3 Tips for Managing Your Money

No one likes to lose or waste their money. However, only a small group of people are willing to make changes to their lives and actually prevent it from happening. If you’re one of the determined few, here are just three tips for handling your finances.

1. Track Everything

You won’t be able to control your cash flow unless you know where it’s coming from and where it’s going. Make a habit out of checking your bank account on a regular basis, and pay attention to all incomes, expenses, fees, deposits, transfers and surcharges that come your way. This is especially important if you’re trying to get out of debt. Burying your head in the sand and ignoring your bank balance won’t change anything!

2. Get Digital

Gone are the days when you had to stoop over a checkbook with a pen and calculator. It’s the 21st century, and there are countless apps and software programs that can track your money down to the dime. You just have to find the right equipment for the job. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different technology until you find something that’s quick, convenient and easy to use; if you aren’t completely satisfied … Read more