An Entrepreneur Read 2,000 Resumes and Shared How to Stand Out

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In a recent video on his YouTube channel, doctor-turned-startup founder Ali Abdaal shares everything he has learned as an employer who has read more than 2,000 job applications over the last few years. “If you do want to apply or get your dream job, then to be honest, the work starts way before you actually apply,” he says. “You want to build a portfolio of skills and assets that will convince your employer to take you on rather than someone else who’s applied for the job.”

One of the best pieces of advice he has to offer when writing your resume is to keep it short and sweet. While your first impulse might be to include every piece of information about your entire working life in order to make the best case for your skills and experience, the last thing any prospective employer wants to do is read six pages. The fact is, they simply won’t. A one-pager, on the other hand, is that much likelier to help you

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