Data Security: Getting Your Employees on Board

In the information-driven world, data security has become a significant concern for businesses, especially E-commerce enterprises. Data breaches are growing more sophisticated, aggressive, and severe. A single data breach can cost an organization millions of dollars. In fact, some businesses, especially start-ups and SMEs that fall victim to severe cyber-attacks rarely recover.

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Fortunately, organizations have an array of robust cybersecurity tools at their disposal. However, and rather, unfortunately, most organizations fail to account for the human factor in achieving their security goals. Your employees should be among the first line of defense in warding off cyber attackers. So how do you get them on board with your security strategy?

Explain the Importance of Data Security

The first thing you have to do is educate your staff on the importance of data security. Don’t be surprised to find that some of them don’t even know what cybersecurity means. Explain in detail how cyber-attacks occur, their effects, and how they can be stopped. Make them understand the importance of observing cyber hygiene and exercising caution when handling sensitive data.

Train Your Staff on Security Protocols

Next, train every staff member on how to follow the laid-out data security guidelines and policies. … Read more