Learn Business With Simple Ways

In this article, I want to share from my own experience how to start a business in a simple way and there are some things you need to pay attention here:

Although simple, it does not mean this business can be run easily.

I will not discuss about capital / money, I think business is as simple as anything would require capital.

There is no guarantee if you run it must be successful and rich, I put more emphasis on “Action” and “Execution”.

Start a business From the 3 points above you need to focus is “not to fail” and “can run with minimal capital possible”.

First of all we all know a lot of the sciences about business / business that exist in various books, seminars, workshops, lectures, or mentors who can teach you about doing business. Here I will not sell the talk that “You must be rich” or “Business zero capital” and so on, but I will invite you to “Start” your own business because just by doing it you can really learn to do business.

Why do some business starters fail in their business, because (they may) think too complex in business but forget the essence … Read more